February Prayer Guide

UBA in Action

Pray for UBA Executive Director, Josh Ellis, and the UBA Associational Leadership Council as they lead UBA churches to collaborate on extending the good news of Christ throughout the Greater Houston area.

Pray for new churches beginning a collaborative relationship with UBA. Give thanks for the diversity that allows God’s message to be shared in multiple languages and formats.

Pray for the 17 participants who recently completed the 7 Habits Seminar facilitated by Tom Billings. Pray that these pastors, UBA staff, Mission Centers staff, and businesswomen will be able to apply the principles of effective leadership and personal decision making for God's glory.

Pray for Keelan Cook, UBA Senior Church Consultant, as he implements the PATHWAYS process. PATHWAYS will involve UBA congregations in the collaborative work of identifying, equipping, sending, and supporting church planters and other mission leaders in the field.

Pray for Victor Marte and Sally Hinzie, UBA Church Consultants, as they meet with existing churches who are seeking to replant and revitalize to more effectively share the gospel in their communities.

Pray for our UBA African American Ministries Team—Mike Pender, Bryant Lee, and Lawrence Scott—as they implement a 2019 series for pastors and church leaders: Building a Thriving Church.

Pray for UBA Church Consultant Campo Londoño who leads Instituto Biblico Organico. Pray for increased participation in the program, and ask God that He would expand the church and make the message of His love available to all.

Mission Centers of Houston

Pray for those who volunteer at the UBA Mission Centers of Houston. Pray that their lives and conversations will be a witness for Christ to those they serve.

Give thanks for the 23 professions of faith made through the ministry of the UBA Mission Centers of Houston. Pray that these new believers will be strongly connected to a church and will continue to grow in faith and Christlikeness.

Give thanks for those who volunteered with the UBA Mission Centers of Houston for over  21,000 volunteer hours.

Pray for continued resources for the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering which helps to provide funds to assist the UBA Mission Centers of Houston with serving 18,000 individuals through the food pantry.

Jeff Chadwick, Executive Director of the UBA Mission Centers of Houston requests prayer for ‘Bones’ who has given his life to Christ and is committed to reaching the homeless in the neighborhood with the good news of Christ. Bones seeks to start a Prayer & Share group in the Moody Park area.

Student Ministries

Give thanks for the 55,000 “camper nights” at Trinity Pines Conference Center in 2018. Pray for each participant that they will continue to experience God in a personal and meaningful way.

Pray for Phil Springer, Executive Director of the UBA Trinity Pines Conference Center, as he leads new staff to prepare for summer. Pray for the youth and children who will be a part of these summer camps.

Pray for the summer student staff who will be enlisted to serve during the summer at Trinity Pines Conference Center. Thirty-six older high school and college students are needed to fill the summer staff slots.

Pray for the many student and ministers who daily engage the diversity of our city. A growing spectrum of students live in "pre-Christian" culture and have no idea of the message of Christ.

Pray that a student ministry will be established on the Downtown Campus of Houston Community College. Pray for a faculty member to step forward to be the Advisor for that group.

Pray for those who will be a part of the Student Ministry's Beach Reach during Spring Break. Pray for safety for all and for opportunities to share the good news and love of Jesus. Pray for open hearts and meaningful conversations.

National Concerns

Pray for our government officials and elected representatives as they strive to find common ground for addressing the significant concerns of our nation.

Pray for the immigrants, international students, travelers, and government officials who have been impacted by the government shutdown.

Prison Ministry

Pray for the 9 men on the inside and 4 more on the outside who are preparing to be facilitators for the new house church that is starting at the Wynne Unit in Huntsville in a few weeks.

Pray for J.R.—a former inmate at the Wynne Unit—who graduated from the Wynne Unit House Church program. J.R. says, “I want to thank all of you for welcoming me into the group that, at one point in my life, truly changed the course of my life. It is because of the House Church Program at the Trustee Camp that God revealed to me to follow Him into the ministry and church.” Pray for J.R. as he provides encouragement and teaching to inmates continuing in the House Church Program.


Lessons Learned from the Early Church

