April Prayer Guide

Confronting & Preventing Abuse

Continue to pray for all those who have experienced harm and sexual abuse at the hands of ministers or leaders in the church. Pray that they will experience healing, peace, and a sense of hope for the future.

Pray for the leaders of our denomination and our churches as they seek actions and procedures to ensure a safe and protected environment for all in our churches.

Pray for wisdom and clarity for UBA Executive Director Josh Ellis as he challenges churches and the association to address any weaknesses and make necessary changes to provide a safe and secure environment for all within the church.

Personnel & Ministries

Pray for Bertha Vaughns who has been nominated to serve as the next UBA WMU Director. Pray for wisdom, continued faithfulness, and innovative ideas as the UBA WMU continues to meet the challenges of a changing city and mission field.

Pray for the UBA African American Ministries Team (Pastors Mike Pender, Bryant Lee, and Lawrence Scott) as they continue to offer conferences and fellowship opportunities to strengthen UBA African American congregations.

Pray for Church Consultant Sally Hinzie and the Wynne Unit Team as they continue to travel weekly to Huntsville to lead Bible study and discipleship sessions with inmates there. Pray that lives will continue to be transformed through this ministry.

Pray for the churches in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Quite a few evangelical churches in Nizhniy Novgorod have buildings, an important part of their ministry presence. Would you please pray for these buildings? Give thanks for the churches that have buildings and are using them for ministry. Pray for the churches that need buildings that would enrich the ministry they are able to do.

Pray for Butch & Nell Green, CBF Field Personnel, who coordinate the collaborative effort of 10 churches providing ministry to refugee families settled in Houston. South Main Baptist Church Houston and Tallowood Baptist Church are among the churches with volunteers participating in this ministry of care for others. (Read the Story)

Pray a special prayer for health and energy for two UBA Staff families who are expecting new babies—one in April and the other in August.


Pray for UBA Staff member Alba Coronel as she leads the VBS training for Spanish-speaking congregations. Begin now to pray that the hearts of children will be prepared to understand the love of Jesus. Pray for spiritual wisdom and discernment for those who will teach them.

Pray that those who are participating in the 7 Habits Training (Siete Habitos)  led by Consultant Campo Londoño will discover and practice effective habits for growing in Christ and living up to their full potential in God’s service.

Pray that those who attended the Alpha Course Conference hosted last month in Nizhniy Novgorod will grow in Christ and apply their knowledge as they share the gospel with others.

Pray that the KSBJ Day of Hope [April 16] will offer peace and a pathway to a renewed relationship with God for those who call in to speak with listeners and intercessors about the process of forgiveness.

Pray now for spiritual wisdom and discernment for the leaders of the RA Challengers CampCraft camping weekend (May 3 & 4). Pray that the hearts of young men will be prepared to accept and understand the love of Jesus.

Holy Week

Celebrate Palm Sunday with thanksgiving that Jesus had resolutely set his face toward Jerusalem with a love so deep and strong for us that he could not be deterred by the suffering that he knew was before him.

During Holy Week, be especially mindful of Jesus’ example as one who gave his life that others might experience eternal life and a loving relationship with God.

On Maundy Thursday, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. As he journeyed toward the cross, one of his final acts was to provide an example of loving and serving others. Pray that the church will be a continuing example of such love and service.

Celebrate the resurrection on Easter Sunday with joy and thanksgiving, secure in the knowledge that Jesus is life, and joy, and peace. He is risen!


Is the Building the Vision?


Church Profiles: L.T. Chuong and A Seat at the Table Church