May Prayer Guide

UBA Staff & Ministries

Join us in giving thanks for the long and faithful service of Fred Adam who has served on the Board of the UBA Trinity Pines Conference Center for over 14 years, that's before we began keeping computerized records! Prior to his service on the TPCC Board, he served on the Personnel Committee, the Associational Leadership Council, and the Board of the Center for Counseling. He has shared his expertise advising UBA about insurance and has assisted in fundraising through initiatives such as the Golf Tournament and the CFC Garage Sale Fundraiser. We celebrate Fred and his many years of commitment to the vision of UBA and its subsidiaries.

Pray for healing and pain relief for Gloria Londoño who ministered on the UBA staff for many years teaching, serving, and supporting the work of others. Gloria has a condition called trigeminal neuralgia which results in extreme pain along her neck and face. A variety of treatments over many years have failed to eliminate this pain. Please pray for effective treatment.

Pray for UBA Consultants Keelan Cook and Victor Marte as they lead churches through a replanting process that merges an existing congregation with a new church plant with the end goal of providing new life for the existing congregation and additional physical resources for the new church plant. This is a complex merger that requires the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Pray for all those involved as they seek God’s will and direction.

Pray for Campo Londoño as he continues to lead the 7 Habits Seminar for pastors and leaders. Pray that each one attending will receive new insight on how to spend time more fully and effectively in pursuit of God’s Kingdom initiatives.

May 16th, the churches of UBA gather for the Quarterly Associational Meeting. Pray for a clear understanding of how to fully advance the gospel of Christ throughout our city, our neighborhoods, and into the world beyond.

This Month

Pray that the many new believers who were baptized on Easter Sunday will continue to be filled with joy and will have prayer support and mentors that they need to continue to grow in Christ-likeness as new followers of Christ.

Ramadan begins May 6 and continues through June 4. Use this time to pray for God to draw near to your Muslim friends and neighbors as they seek to become closer to God. Pray for how you can get ready for Ramadan.

Muslims throughout the world practice Ramadan during the Month of May. Dedicated Muslims fast and pray during the day. Pray that all who hunger and thirst for righteousness will find God and be filled with His grace and peace.

During the month of Ramadan, dedicated Muslims place an especially high value on doing good deeds for others. Pray that Christians around them will be examples of Christ’s commitment to kindness, compassion, and generosity. Pray that his church will minister to Muslims near and far.

Give thanks for mothers who reflect the sheltering, protective care of God, who gathers us as a hen gathers her chicks and gives us shelter under wings of love. Put feet to your prayers and show appreciation today to your mother or someone who has cared for you. Consider giving to the Hunger Offering this Mother's Day to honor and support mothers around the globe.

Memorial Day designates time to honor those who have sacrificed their lives in the service of our country. We give thanks for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and pray for those who are grieving and who have suffered loss.

Mission Centers of Houston

Praise God for the life-changing ministries of the UBA Mission Centers of Houston. Through their efforts, families and individuals receive both physical and spiritual food.

The UBA Mission Center ministry at Joy celebrates one of the Kids’ Club members becoming a child of God! Pray for A.O. as she begins this new journey in Christ. Pray that she will grow in Christ-likeness and for faithful mentors to surround and disciple her.

Pray for J., a young man who received assistance through the UBA Mission Centers Gano Ministry during a time when he was very discouraged and without a job. He heard the news that Jesus loved him and would meet his needs while receiving help with some basic needs. The next week, he returned to thank the ministry and to share the news that he had a job. Thanks be to God!

Pray that those attending the newly organized Family Bible Study at Joy Center will be strengthened in their walk with Christ. Pray for wisdom and direction for Alex Nunez, Spanish pastor at Faith Memorial Baptist Church, who leads the Bible study.

Around the City

Pray that refugee families in Houston will receive the help and support that they need and that those who do not know Christ will be receptive to the message of love and wholeness.

Pray for Marilyn Lee, Executive Director, and Melissa Emerson, Director of Operations, as they lead Loving Houston to engage churches serving local neighborhood schools.


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