Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
God at Work in Renewing Churches
We follow a God of renewal, who brings beauty from ashes, and this is one of those stories of His renewal within our midst. Watch this video or read and rejoice with us!
Interview with Victor Marte
Church Consultant Victor Marte talks vision communities, personal and community renewal, and his hope to see a Hispanic church planting movement.
Interview with Briana Perea
Briana Perea shares about the role of admins in gospel ministry, disaster thrillers, and what she loves about our association.
What Do Sending Churches and Dying Churches Have in Common?
The Preacher’s Collective not only helps churches raise up, equip, and send out those who are called to preach, but it also provides gospel proclamation in pastorless churches. Here’s how it works.
Healthy Church Work: Why Steve Bezner Loves UBA
Pastor Steve Bezner of Houston Northwest highlights how the Union Baptist Association works to support healthy church work in every nook and cranny of the greater Houston area.
El Final de un Glorioso Comienzo
En los Estados Unidos, es muy común encontrar iglesias anglo con ministerios hispanos. Lamentablemente, en mi experiencia estos ministerios hispanos en un promedio más alto que el que quisiera admitir, terminan en un estado de lo que yo llamo "esquizofrenia estructural." Es cuando la identidad del ministerio se pierde, y ya no se sabe si son un ministerio o una iglesia autónoma.
Tupperware, Rapture Buildings, and the Costume Room: 3 Unexpected Realities of Replanting
The Lord had to teach me these three ministry realities of replanting that aren’t commonly discussed. For the prospective replanter or sending church, these realities are vital to your long-term success as God calls to the difficult work of revitalization.
3 Initiatives to Help us Advance the Gospel Together
UBA Executive Director Josh Ellis explains the vision of the Union Baptist Association and the initiatives that help us advance the gospel together.
Church Renewal is an Urgent Gospel Issue
6 in 10. That's the number put out by Lifeway Research concerning the number of churches in North America that are plateaued or declining in number. That's grim news. We mourn the 6 in 10 because of the loss of gospel witness. So we must work to see church renewal starting here in Houston.
Partnering for Revitalization
Church renewal can happen. It should come as no surprise to anyone that a majority of churches in North America are plateaued or declining. We've all heard the statistics. We've seen the reports. In fact, you may attend, or even pastor, one of those churches. If so, I want to give you some hope: church renewal can happen. That's why we're announcing a partnership with Revitalize Network to bring significant tools and resources to UBA churches that desire to walk a path toward renewal.