Insights from in and around the association

      UBA Voices      

The Ministry of Death
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

The Ministry of Death

Death is part of life, particularly the life of a pastor. What does it look like to walk with your congregation as they grieve a loved one, face a terminal diagnosis, or even transition into eternity?

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What's Your Narrative?
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

What's Your Narrative?

What is the overarching narrative that runs through your church or ministry right now? At the risk of being too simplistic, it is probably one of two extremes. One is a story of woe and discouragement. The other is curiosity and anticipation. The themes and stories that you emphasize in your communication will set the tone for your church or ministry.

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Estimado Pastor, Por Favor No nos Deje Ahora
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Estimado Pastor, Por Favor No nos Deje Ahora

Las estadísticas son horribles y las historias desgarradoras. Si algo no cambia, la iglesia en los Estados Unidos enfrentará desafíos sin precedentes el próximo año y muchas congregaciones locales no sobrevivirán. ¿Cuál es la tragedia? La creciente realización de que un porcentaje significativo de pastores están considerando dejar sus iglesias.

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Opening, Staying Open, & Decision-Making
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Opening, Staying Open, & Decision-Making

Across Houston, churches are making different decisions about whether or not to have in-person services. If your church has a plan to re-gather or is executing it, fantastic. If not, I offer a different approach: pray toward conditions being met rather than a specific date to be set.

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Reflexiones En Tiempos Del COVID-19
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Reflexiones En Tiempos Del COVID-19

Los lideres tenemos un problema serio cuando pensamos que sabemos suficiente. Cuando eso sucede, nuestro aprendizaje se estanca y se retrasa porque el mundo sigue andando, no se detiene a esperarnos. Los líderes que tienen la humildad y el deseo de aprender son los que tendrán éxito al enfrentar los cambios; los que no, seguirán usando las estrategias y los programas que ya dejaron de funcionar.

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Thinking for the Future
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Thinking for the Future

Being a leader can be hard. Leaders have to model the way for others to follow, inspire a shared vision, challenge processes, enable others to act, and care for those they lead. Being a leader is also hard because you have to live in two times simultaneously. Leading means being present with people in the now, while also thinking further down the road.

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The Christian's Hope in a Pandemic
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

The Christian's Hope in a Pandemic

When I saw this photo from 1955 of children lining up for the new polio vaccine at Hohl Elementary in Houston, it took me back. I was in a line just like that in 1955 at my Houston elementary school. This photo reminded me of how close I came to a threatening epidemic. Here we are again, and I am constantly being reminded to be grateful.

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A Theological Framework for Adjusting Church Practice
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

A Theological Framework for Adjusting Church Practice

The following article is part of a collective resource for considering your church’s current practices in light of COVID-19. This collection of articles is designed to help pastors, church leaders, and church members as they forge a path forward. In this article, we consider the question: How do we think about this matter theologically?

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COVID-19: Encouragement for Pastors in the Midst of Pandemic
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

COVID-19: Encouragement for Pastors in the Midst of Pandemic

The following article is part of a collective resource for considering your church’s current practices in light of COVID-19. This collection of articles is designed to help pastors, church leaders, and church members as they forge a path forward. This article focuses on: How do we approach this moment with grace and humility?

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COVID-19: How Should We Then Comply?
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

COVID-19: How Should We Then Comply?

The following article is part of a collective resource for considering your church’s current practices in light of COVID-19. This collection of articles is designed to help pastors, church leaders, and church members as they forge a path forward. In this article, we consider the question: How do we make decisions with limited information? 

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