Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
7 Lessons From My Best Father's Day Gift Ever
The best gift I’ve ever received on Father’s Day is wrapped up not so much in what they’ve given me but in what I’ve given them.
What is Orality? And Why Does it Matter?
What are oral Bible study methods? And who are they for?
7 Characteristics of Disciple-Making Pastors
Want to be a disciple-making pastor? Here are 7 characteristics to adopt.
What is Apologetics and Why Should I Care?
Apologetics’ benefit to the individual, the local church, and the unbelieving world can be immense, but it must be done in a spirit of gentleness and love.
One Effective (and Fun) Way to Start House Churches in Prison
When Sally Hinzie was asked to teach largely illiterate inmates about house churches, she used storying training to gather a group and equip them.
3 Helpful Ways for Older Pastors to Mentor Younger Pastors
The fifty-year veteran of shepherding has much to offer the newbie through mentoring. Unfortunately, mentoring can often be more haphazard than fruitful. It doesn’t have to be this way. How can older pastors mentor younger pastors in a way that is helpful for the congregation? Here are 3 ways.
D&D, Dudes, and Discipleship
With its recent popularity, could Dungeons and Dungeons be a helpful game/tool for discipleship? From my experience, I think a wide range of things—Dungeons and Dragons included—could provide a fruitful medium for discipleship, particularly among high school, youth, and college students. Here’s how.
How Do We Recover Biblical Soul-Winning?
A lot of hot topics may pique our interest, but soul-winning doesn't seem to be one of them. Meanwhile, you can find more cobwebs than people in our baptismal pools. How can we diagnose and recover from a lack of transformation in our churches?
When I Don't Want to Read My Bible
Sometimes, it's hard work to dive into and delight in the Word of God? What's a Christian—and especially a leader—to do when they just don't want to read their Bible? This article provides some theology and practical advice to get you out of a rut.
Who Holds You Accountable Online?
Christian accountability is an important part of discipleship. We often hold our Christian brothers and sisters accountable for inappropriate words or acts, but we might neglect one place where we spend a lot of social time.