Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
4 Burdens Pastors Face. And How to Bear them Well.
In a world where pastors face emotional challenges, ministerial pressures, and questions of faith, the act of self-care is not a sign of weakness, but a powerful testimony of humility and wisdom.
To My Friends in Ministry
Ministry is hard, and so is life in general. Trenton Anthony shows us how and why to make and keep friends.
Marco Polo and a Pastor's Need to be Known
Certain pressures accompany the role of pastoral ministry. If pastors don't have a way to relieve that pressure, their world can easily become dark, lonely, and isolated. It's similar to the one in the pool with their eyes closed calling out “Marco!" But they find no one to respond.
Behind the Curtain: Isolation and the Pastor's Wife
Let's push past the small talk and discuss a common problem in many of our churches. As a minister's wife, it can be very lonely and hard to build true friendships with people inside the church. However, the church community shouldn't leave anyone isolated—especially not its leaders and their families.
Amistad, una Relación más Elevada
Las redes sociales se jactan de poder enlazar una red de amistades, pero la realidad es que la gran mayoría de los usuarios solo logran tener muchos conocidos, pero muy pocos amigos. Por otro lado, para los pastores y ministros cristianos, debido a las demandas del ministerio, desarrollar amistades profundas se complica. La amistad es una relación de ecuanimidad y equidad que necesita ser cultivada todos los días.
While social networks boast of being able to link a network of friends, the reality is that the vast majority of users only manage to have acquaintances, but very few friends. Often for pastors and Christian ministers, the demands of the ministry make it very complicated to develop truly deep friendships. Friendship is a relationship of balance and equity that needs to be cultivated every day.
Pastors: Stop Competing and Start Hanging Out
What happens when pastors stop competing with one another and become friends instead? God’s work multiplies!
5 Self Assessment Questions Pastors Need to Ask Right Now
Whether you are pastoring bivocationally like me, or full time as I did for 27 years, the weight of a pastor’s call has grown even heavier over the last couple of years. Here are five questions every pastor needs to ask right now to assess their condition amid the challenges of ministry.
10 Ways for Pastors to be More Relational
Just because you work with people doesn’t mean you have good relationships. Here are 10 tips to help out.
Pastors, Brothers, and Friends—Kevin Rizer and Parris Patrick
Some say, "a good friend is hard to find." But with over 300 diverse churches in our association alone, that shouldn't be the case for pastors and ministry leaders in Houston. One great example of pastoral friendship is that of Parris Patrick and Kevin Rizer. What began as a simple invite to lunch quickly became a true, lasting friendship.