Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
Navigating High-Pressure Pastoral Roles
A candid and insightful conversation about handling high-pressure pastoral positions.
Marco Polo and a Pastor's Need to be Known
Certain pressures accompany the role of pastoral ministry. If pastors don't have a way to relieve that pressure, their world can easily become dark, lonely, and isolated. It's similar to the one in the pool with their eyes closed calling out “Marco!" But they find no one to respond.
Heart Checks Are Non-Negotiable
Allow me to share with you a realistic regimen that can reverse the spiritual condition of a wayward heart.
Marco Polo and a Pastor's Need to be Known
Certain pressures accompany the role of pastoral ministry. If pastors don't have a way to relieve that pressure, their world can easily become dark, lonely, and isolated. It's similar to the one in the pool with their eyes closed calling out “Marco!" But they find no one to respond.
10 Overlooked Prayer Needs of Pastors
People who pray for their pastors usually say they ask the Lord to bless sermon preparation—and for good reason. The Sunday sermon is the best opportunity to make a lasting difference in the lives of the most people. Yet there are many other reasons to intercede on behalf of the shepherds of the Lord’s congregation. Here are ten often-overlooked ways to pray for pastors.
Pursuing Emotional Health During Crisis
This week, we're featuring an excellent conversation from the Replant Bootcamp Podcast. Dr. James Hawkins discusses how to stay emotionally healthy during a time of crisis. With the heaviness of so many current events, we could all use Dr. Hawkins’ practical advice on how to develop and maintain our emotional health.
The Pastor's Health: Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual
The most serious injury I ever had playing soccer was momentary, but it still scared me to death. While I never lost consciousness, I lost my vision for about two minutes. Before that, I had approached my health with the cavalier nature of a teenager. Unfortunately, many of us make the same mistake. We think we’re physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy until an event happens that gets our attention—until we get blindsided by a different reality. What can we do to prevent that life-altering event?
Moving Beyond Burnout
“Sweetie,” my husband gently began. “This is an intervention.”
In his most compassionate voice, Craig began describing my life—my job and the amount of travel it required, my responsibilities in raising our teenaged kids, my ministry as a pastor’s wife, my efforts to be a good friend and a good daughter. “This is just not sustainable,” he said. “I’m not upset with you, but something has to change.”
Waves of inadequacy and shame washed over me. I was trying so hard to do it all. People depended on me. How could I stop?
Can Your Organization Survive Your Absence?
One of the signs of a healthy organization is how employees are encouraged to take time off. Unfortunately, Churches are notorious for being dependent on a few key figures. Here are a few suggestions for those who need help letting go and leaving well.
Four Transformational Spiritual Disciplines
A leader’s effectiveness in ministry is not so much measured on the basis of their skills or knowledge but by the depth of their spiritual vitality. The Bible is filled with examples of leaders’ failures, because they neglected to cultivate a deep, transforming relationship with God.