Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
The Ministry of Death
Death is part of life, particularly the life of a pastor. What does it look like to walk with your congregation as they grieve a loved one, face a terminal diagnosis, or even transition into eternity?
How Do I Lament Biblically?
We all have those days where nothing goes right. Or maybe even a whole year, right?
We know we want and need to cry out to the Lord, but how do we still honor the Lord and cry out to Him in an honest and true way? Thankfully, the psalmists have given us the answer through biblical lament. As we journey through lament, we can embrace thanksgiving—even in the midst of hardship.
Pastor, It's Okay to be Afraid
Well, here we are. We're living in a world we never imagined or desired. As much as we may try to ignore it, the coronavirus (COVID-19) is a reality, and it’s global. Regardless of how we are wired or trained to approach challenges, every one of us is prone to fear on some level. We all hold within us the nature of humanity that values something and fears losing it. As much as we may try to suppress or deny it, leaders experience fear as well, and that’s okay!