Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
This One Thing Can Dramatically Multiply Your Church's Sending
How can you look up from the needs and ministries of your local church to strategically identify, equip, send, and support people for ministry? Sending Pathways helps you do just that!
What is Collaborative Sending?
With small shifts in our mindset, we can tap into the resources that we already have to identify, equip, send, and support the next generation of gospel ministers.
George Liele: A Missions and Church Planting Name You Should Know
George Liele is a powerful—if often overlooked—missions figure we should all know.
10 Things I’d do Differently as a Pastor During the Christmas Season
As I look back on my years as a senior pastor, I think of things I would do differently during this season today if I were again a senior leader in a church.
3 Ways to Share the Gospel with Children
What do we miss when most of our evangelism training is geared toward adults?
7 Missionary Principles to Engage Your LGBTQ+ Neighbor
These 7 mission principles could help you make disciples among your LGBTQ+ neighbors—during pride month and all year long.
10 Ways a Local Church Can Help a Missionary
Want to actually help missionaries? Here are 10 ways your church can.
Mission Leaders, Are You Nearsighted?
Missionary leaders are necessarily passionate and focused. In time though, though, they can find themselves busy and isolated. Our nearsightedness slows us down.
Why Do We Need Missionary Sending Cohorts?
How can support and structure help missionaries strengthen their resolve?