Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
Pastoreando a Tu Pastor
Octubre es el mes del pastor. Si todos somos cuerpo, necesitamos el ministerio particular los unos de los demás. Aprende a pastorear tu pastor.
3 Pastor Appreciation Gifts Ministers Really Want
For those of you who have never had the blessing of being a pastor—and maybe you even wonder why pastor appreciation month exists—allow me to provide some clarity and suggestions for Pastor Appreciation Month
¿Qué enseñó Jesús sobre el discipulado?
Marcos (8:34) relata la enseñanza más aguda de Jesús sobre la naturaleza del discipulado.
Mark (8:34) recounts Jesus' most insightful teaching on the nature of discipleship.
Amistad, una Relación más Elevada
Las redes sociales se jactan de poder enlazar una red de amistades, pero la realidad es que la gran mayoría de los usuarios solo logran tener muchos conocidos, pero muy pocos amigos. Por otro lado, para los pastores y ministros cristianos, debido a las demandas del ministerio, desarrollar amistades profundas se complica. La amistad es una relación de ecuanimidad y equidad que necesita ser cultivada todos los días.
While social networks boast of being able to link a network of friends, the reality is that the vast majority of users only manage to have acquaintances, but very few friends. Often for pastors and Christian ministers, the demands of the ministry make it very complicated to develop truly deep friendships. Friendship is a relationship of balance and equity that needs to be cultivated every day.
Pastor Appreciation—The Inside Scoop
Ever wondered what pastors do? Or what it's like to be a pastor? Josh Ellis gives us the inside scoop for Pastor Appreciation Month.
Pastor Appreciation Month—Why is it Important?
Regardless of your church or staff size, take care of the people who feel God’s call on their life to lead and take care of you. From ministry interns to senior pastors, we need them at their best, because they often see us at our worst.
Pastor, Pivot Toward Care This Week
Pastor, this one is not an article on best practices or strategies. This one is a plea from my heart for you and your people. This week, please pivot toward pastoral care. Up to now, we’ve been dealing with logistics as everyone scrambled to deal with the urgency and severity of this moment in our history. This is the week where pastoral care must take absolute priority.
A Theological Framework for Adjusting Church Practice
The following article is part of a collective resource for considering your church’s current practices in light of COVID-19. This collection of articles is designed to help pastors, church leaders, and church members as they forge a path forward. In this article, we consider the question: How do we think about this matter theologically?
The Stewardship of Shepherding
I spend most of my workday talking to pastors. It's a great job, and one of the perks is getting to hear which concerns are common to most pastors regardless of their life stage or church size. One concern seems to rise above them all: reaching new people. Regardless of which ministry philosophies a pastor follows, they'll look across the table and ask the question: what can we do to reach more people? In response to this question, I've learned to ask one in return: what are you doing with the people you've already got?
UBA's Top 10 Articles of 2018
2018 has brought a lot of things our way: heavy losses, exciting possibilities, and hard discussions. Likewise, our blog also had a lot of fascinating and pertinent articles for the year. As we prepare for what God has in store for 2019, we'll first pause to remember and celebrate the top 10 articles of 2018.