Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
A Summer of Transformation
Ministry is a lot of hard work but every now and then, you get to experience the story of God's transforming power. Cheryl Chadwick shares one of those stories from the Mission Centers of Houston here.
Meeting God Behind Bars
Every Christian has a story of God’s grace in their lives. Cedric encountered God when he was serving time in prison and was completely transformed. Now, he’s using his story to minister to others in similar situations. What’s your story, and how might God use you wherever you are?
Wit and Wisdom
I once saw a comment by Jon Tyson—pastor of Trinity Grace Church in Manhattan—regarding the prodigious creative output of our culture. His words struck me as truthful. "So much content; so little wisdom."
Most Americans, it strikes me, are content with cleverness and snark. And, in our ever-increasing desire to appear more nonchalant and funny, something is lost. That something, it seems to me, is wisdom.
5 Words to Describe Church Planting
I've been in combat in two combat theaters, but church planting has been the most grinding thing in my life. It's also brought me the most joy. So, if I had to sum it up in five words, I would say church planting is: grinding, joyful, mind-boggling, exuberant, and learning. Here's what that has meant for me.
The Starting Place for Change
The pastor at the pulpit asking the congregation, “Who wants change?” All the hands are in the air. Then he asks, “Who wants to change?” No hands go up. That’s pretty much how the change process goes.