Insights from in and around the association

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Leader, You are First a Child of God
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Leader, You are First a Child of God

There are two spheres of existence: being and doing. "Being" concerns who we are. "Doing" concerns the roles we play and the things we do in them. While the things we do in life can certainly enhance or detract from our sense of self, they should never define it. In other words, if we receive our identity in what we do (roles, titles, positions, jobs, functions) we set ourselves up for great disappointment.

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What Are You Asking from Your Mission Trip?
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

What Are You Asking from Your Mission Trip?

I have spent the last eighteen years going on mission and leading teams on mission through the local church. The Lord has used these years to hone the way I see and lead mission trips. Often, we miss out on the full potential of a mission trip because, though we have a Jesus-centered starting point, we fail to have Jesus-centered goals, measures, and expectations. Here are some things to think about as you plan.

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La Lluvia
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

La Lluvia

Estados Unidos es quizás el país con más libertad para predicar el evangelio. Tenemos canales de tv, radio estaciones, iglesias, seminarios, ministerios, y publicaciones que inundan el país con el mensaje. ¿Estará, de veras, llegando al corazón de la gente y dando fruto?  

America is perhaps the freest country in which to preach the gospel. We have tv channels, radio stations, churches, seminaries, ministries, and publications which flood the country with the message. But will it reach people's hearts and bear fruit?

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Journaling for Your Spiritual Health
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Journaling for Your Spiritual Health

If you've ever tried it, you likely already know about the benefits of journaling. Every day, we have these experiences with potential for strengthening our walk with God. However, we're often too close to the experiences to process their impact. Capturing these lessons and reflections on paper creates a sort of snapshot allowing us to explore how God is at work.

Even if you’ve never practiced journaling for spiritual reflection before, we've got a few prompts to help you get there.

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Simple Practices to Deepen Your Devotional Life
Marie Burrus Marie Burrus

Simple Practices to Deepen Your Devotional Life

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. God has created us in his image with a mind, heart, soul, and five wonderful senses. God has created our entire being as a means to experience him more fully. Let’s explore a few of the methods that you can practice to make your time with God a richer experience.

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