Insights from in and around the association
UBA Voices
3 Pastor Appreciation Gifts Ministers Really Want
For those of you who have never had the blessing of being a pastor—and maybe you even wonder why pastor appreciation month exists—allow me to provide some clarity and suggestions for Pastor Appreciation Month
3 Reasons Your Church Should Submit an Annual Church Profile
We want to know more about your church, how you’re doing, and how we can be better together. Filling out your ACP is a great way to reach out and tell us a little bit more about your congregation.
2 Reasons We Need Hispanic Church Plants
We dream of a church planting movement in our city, where each of our existing churches identifies those who have the call of God and sends them out.
2 Razones para Plantar Iglesias Hispanas
Todos somos enviados a dar continuidad a la MISIÓN DE JESÚS, de extender el evangelio en todas partes, hacer discípulos, que sean bautizados y se reproduzcan en otros que continúen la misión.
Becoming a Resilient Pastor for "Unprecedented" Times
Ministry has always been challenging, but the hurdles most pastors and ministry leaders face today are—dare I use the cliche?—unprecedented. And unprecedented times call for resilient leaders.
But how can we develop resilience? Here are five places to start.
Little Kindnesses Bring Joy at Mission Center's Picnic for the Homeless
Volunteers joined forces to communicate dignity and care to Houston neighbors without homes.
Loving Houston
Do you want to make an impact in your community? Loving Houston helps churches partner with their local schools to love our neighbors as Christ has loved us.
Ukraine stories continued
This Spring, Sally Hinzie and UBA partners collected goods to send to Ukrainians in need. Since then, Ukrainian believers have distributed these gifts to show and share the love of Christ. Here are just a few stories from that work.
4 Stories of Your Generosity at Work in Ukraine
These are just a few of the many stories of God’s work through humanitarian aid in Ukraine. Pray for the Ukrainian Church as they seek to show and share the love of God with their neighbors.