June Prayer Guide


Pray for UBA Executive Director Josh Ellis as he attends the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting June 11-12. Pray that all who attend will demonstrate love and Christ-likeness as we deal with critical matters. Pray that we will be a witness to the world for what it means to be followers of Jesus Christ.

Pray for the UBA African American Ministries Team—Revs Mike Pender, Bryant Lee, and Lawrence Scott—as they seek to know and minister to pastors and leaders of UBA African-American congregations. Pray for a good response to Thriving Church: Thriving Pastor Conference on June 15.

Pray for the Executive Director of UBA's Trinity Pines Conference Center Phil Springer as he continues to seek staff to fill positions needed for the summer camps. Thank God for His faithfulness to provide for all our needs.

Pray for UBA Church Consultant Sally Hinzie as she continues to coordinate curriculum and volunteers for the Organic Church Planting School at the Wynne Unit in Huntsville. This ministry is time consuming, involves a lot of time on the road, and is often tiring. However, it continues to yield fruit in the lives of the inmates as well as in the lives of the volunteers. God is glorified.


Pray for L, an inmate at the Wynne Center in Huntsville, who will soon be moving to another unit for a special program before his release on December 1st.  L has been a part of the Organic Church Planting groups at the Wynne Unit and has been discipled in that process. We celebrate with L over his personal spiritual growth and some of the fruits of his prayers.

Recently, he was sharing with the group that as he was packing to move. He had re-discovered the “Ministry Map” that Sally Hinzie, Guy Caskey, and the other leaders had encouraged him to create 4 years ago.  This map uses connecting circles remind the user of those he can pray for and witness to. L shared that the 1st person on the map was his cellie [cell mate], who had made it very clear that he wasn't interested. However, L kept praying and living out his faith.

After awhile, L’s cellie opened up and explained that he had hated God ever since his daughter died of cancer. L was able to minister to him. The cellie started going to church with L and to the house church classes though he was not yet a believer.

In the Organic Church Planting House Church classes, L’s cellie eventually gave his life to Jesus. L had also put his 2 children on his list. It was only possible to pray and share with them occasionally through the phone calls that he was allowed. But L rejoices today that both children are believers.  L shared that half of the people he put on his ministry map are now saved.

Give thanks for this amazing testimony and for the volunteers that continue to make this ministry to those in prison possible.

Campus Ministries

Pray for the campus ministers and the students who have committed to sharing the love of Jesus with others on their college campus. Pray that the 1-on-1 relationships developing on the campuses will bear fruit as people believe and follow Jesus.

Celebrate the 159 professions of faith this year on the campus of Houston Baptist University. Pray that each of these new believers will have the support and mentorship of a church family as they grow in Christ.

Pray for those in our congregations who minister to international students on college & university campuses—to those in research positions and to the spouses who accompany them. Pray that through the ESL ministries and invitations to be a part of the lives and family activities of those who welcome them, the students and families will know the welcoming love of Jesus.


Through the month of June, volunteers with Southern Baptists of Texas Convention Disaster Relief ministry are helping with the crisis at the U.S. southern border by providing meals for immigrants. “We’re working in support of Salvation Army as they support an immigration processing center in El Paso,” said Scottie Stice, SBTC disaster relief director. “It’s important now that they’re on our soil that we serve them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and share the gospel with them.” Volunteers will be making and serving approximately 700 meals per day. Pray that those who receive these meals will know and understand that great love of Jesus Christ who provides for all our needs. Learn more about this ministry here.

Pray for Butch and Nell Green who minister to displaced persons in the Houston area and along the Texas borders through The Off Ramp. Consider leading your church or group to provide packaged lunches for this ministry.

Pray for Lester Meriwether, founder and director of Literacy ConneXus. This ministry promotes literacy at all levels for children and adults throughout the U.S. Pray that churches will respond to the current summer mission initiative What’s for Lunch?

Pray for the homeless in our area that they may know through our actions that Jesus loves and cares for them. Give thanks for the weekly ministry of the UBA Mission Centers of Houston as they serve meals to the homeless on Tuesdays.

14 summer missionaries have begun their summer ministry at the UBA Mission Centers of Houston. Pray for their personal growth and discipleship during the summer. Pray that those whose lives they touch will grow in faith and Christ-likeness.


June 19 (Juneteenth) is a particularly meaningful day in Texas as it commemorates the day in 1865 that the freedom of those who had been enslaved was publicly and officially proclaimed in our state. This is a day to pray for healing of our nation and for racial reconciliation. It is a day to denounce prejudice in all its insidious forms. Give thanks for our freedom in Christ. Seek peace. Support justice.


Who knew that June was National Camping Month? What a perfect time to pray for the boys, girls, youth and sponsors who will be attending the RA/Challengers Discovery Camp and the WMU GA Girls Mission Camp June 23 - 26.

Pray for all pastors, church staff, workers, and volunteers who will minister to thousands of children and youth in our area as they implement VBS, Youth Camps, Children’s activities, Mission Trips, and more. Pray for tireless strength and stamina for those who are leading. Pray for open and curious hearts for the children & youth. Pray that Jesus will be glorified and that all will grow in Christ.

Pray that campers, staff, and volunteers will experience a strengthened and renewed relationship to Christ.

Pray that the Summer Leaders at the UBA Trinity Pines Conference Center will encounter God through life-changing spiritual experiences during their 6-12 weeks living & serving campers, guests and one another at Trinity Pines.

Pray that these Summer Leaders at the UBA Trinity Pines Conference Center will have physical stamina, emotional maturity & especially a deepened relationship with the Father. The theme for the team this summer is “Family”. Please pray that they not only learn about what God’s Word says about family, but experience it through living in Biblical community with our year round staff, volunteers & one another.

Camps begin June 3rd and continue through the summer months. Please pray for many campers to hear the Spirit calling them to come to faith in Jesus & respond.


Sally Hinzie, Virtrual Strategy Coordinator for Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia, write that “Spring has come to Nizhniy Novgorod. No snow, bright sunshine and trees that are budding out. People are excited and look for opportunities to be outdoors. Please pray for the people in Nizhniy Novgorod that do not know Jesus. Pray they would be drawn to seek Him out and yearn to know about Him.”


Ministering in New Territory: The Shifting Nature of the American Suburb


Your Summer To Do List