5 Ways to Become a More Resilient Pastor

70% of pastors battle depression.
80% of pastors feel discouraged.
70% of pastors say they have a lower self-image now than when they first started.
78% of pastors have no close friends.
18,000 pastors left the ministry here in the US in 2022.

BARNA, State of the Pastor 2022

“Houston, we’ve had a problem!”

During the past few years, church leaders have been hit by a tsunami of epic proportions, which pushed ministry stress levels to an all-time high. Current pastors had never faced or trained for the storm that hit the church in 2020 and 2021: Covid, lockdowns, mask mandates, virtual church, American political chaos, controversies, national race struggles, sexual failure of spiritual leaders, pressure to leave the SBC, attendance numbers dwindling, financial struggles corporately and personally—and the list goes on. 

Decision fatigue led to ministry fatigue, which became  burnout.In many cases, pastors and leaders were leaving the ministry altogether. 

The problem is painfully evident; we need church leaders who are resilient and who have the tools and habits to lead the church and navigate ministry and life well.

Five Habits of Pastors Who Finish Well

The Union Baptist Association desires to come alongside our pastors and leaders and help them thrive. So, we have developed a way to sharpen these skills. The Resilient Pathway helps pastors build the habits they need to finish strong and lead with resilience—both in life and ministry.                                

As an association, we first want to introduce, process through, and participate in each of the “Five Habits That Leaders Need to Finish Well” by Dr. Terry Walling and Dr. Robert Clinton. These habits include:

  1.  Clear mission

  2. Relational security

  3. Repeated renewal

  4. Lifelong learning

  5. Sovereign perspective

“Resilient leaders have the ability to sustain their energy level under pressure, to cope with disruptive changes and adapt. They bounce back from setbacks. They also overcome major difficulties without engaging in dysfunctional behavior or harming others. They finish strong.”
— George Kohlrieser, Resilient Leadership

UBA’s  Resilient Pathway  offers five opportunities to experience and process these habits. 

  1. Pastor Groups provide care and connection

  2. Larger Gatherings—like our Resilient Luncheons— equip leaders with specific, proven tools

  3. Retreats sustain pastors with rest and fun

  4. Cohorts aim for deep processing within a peer group

  5. Coaching implements these habits in your specific context

Five “trailheads” provide onramps to participate in the pathway:

1. Monthly Pastor Groups

What if, in the next 5 years, Houston became a network of hundreds of pastors in multiple regions caring for one another? What if these relationships helped churches partner with one another, culminating in community kingdom impact? 

That’s the goal of our monthly pastor groups. You can find Out More or get involved at PastorGroups.com.

2. Quarterly Gatherings

Quarterly, our associaton hosts Resilient Gatherings. These free luncheons are opportunities to eat, fellowship, and hear from experts in the field on matters of leadership and resilience.

APR. 25 - Lunch & Conversation w/ Dr. Terry Walling. Navigating the transitions of life and leadership. Register Here Here 

AUG. 30 - Lunch & Conversation w/ Dr. Tod Bolsinger. Resilient Leaders

Oct. 19 - Lunch & Conversation w/ Dr. Brian Croft. Practical Shepherding 

3. Six-Month Cohorts

Six-month learning cohorts are offered each year focusing on the Five Habits of Leaders Who Finish Well. These cohorts are comprised of 12-15 Pastors. The 2023 Resilient Cohort is already full, but sign up to join us in 2024. Register Here.

4. Yearly Retreat

This year, UBA is taking our pastors’ retreat to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado! This five-day retreat is designed for pastors to get away, stop decision-making, rest, fellowship with their peers, and have a blast. 

The location will afford many opportunities to explore and experience God’s creation: rafting, fly fishing, hiking and axe throwing—just to name a few!


5. Individual Coaching

The Union Baptist Association is developing a team of certified coaches to come alongside our pastors and ministry leaders to help them process and find clarity as they lead. If you’re ready for a coach, we would love to journey with you! Click Here To Connect

More Guides For The Trail:

Check out the following trail guides on leadership and leader formation.

  1. Five Habits of Leaders Who Finish Well - Effective leaders learn to become intentional about their character growth and formation. Discover the five habits you need as a leader to finish strong.

  2. Leading With Spiritual Authority - True leadership and influence flows out of spiritual authority. Discover the four postures that leaders take to experience increased spiritual authority.

  3. Strategic Skills For Today’s Leaders - Strategic leadership involves being able to navigate the critical moments in the lives of a ministry or organization. This resource details some characteristics of strategic leaders and how to become one.    

  4. Integration - It Takes Both - Personal renewal and corporate revitalization go hand in hand.    

  5. The Every Strategy - The Every Strategy is just one approach to a “rule of life” to help you establish a better sacred rhythm in your life.

RESILIENT: Pick a Trailhead & Join the Journey!

Kevin Abbott serves as the Associate Director/Chief of Staff for the Union Baptist Association. In 2024 he will begin teaching as an Adjunct Professor at Fuller Seminary the Coaching and Mentoring DMIN Cohort. He has been a pastor and leader in churches throughout Texas for the past 25 years. His heart and passion is to encourage, care for and coach pastors and church leaders. Kevin leads The Resilient Pathway citywide movement serving over 1,000 pastors here in the Houston metro area. The Resilient Pathway’s goal is to come alongside church leaders to introduce and create experiences that foster the “Five Habits of Leaders Who Finish Well.” (Regional Pastor Groups, Quarterly Conversations That Matter, Yearly Retreats, Learning Cohorts & Coaching Networks). He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary and currently is working on a DMIN in Lifelong Leader Development at Fuller Seminary. He is the husband to his wife Mindy and a proud father of three beautiful children (Callie, Abigail & Joshua).

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Photo by Simon English on Unsplash


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