Serving Your Volunteers
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” - 1 Peter 4:10-11
The Lord calls us to serve one another and to serve with a joyful heart full of love. Many do this so well, serving so freely, so tirelessly, and so purely.
I have the pleasure of working with individuals, churches, and organizations to find avenues and opportunities to serve vulnerable children, adults, and families. When people think of a Volunteer Engagement Coordinator, they probably first think about that piece of recruiting and onboarding volunteers to serve alongside the company’s mission.
What has been such a pleasant and beautiful surprise is also realizing that God brings people through our doors in the form of volunteers who want to serve when they themselves are hurting or could benefit from help.
A Opportunity to Serve
Last December, we held a Christmas market for families to shop for presents for their children. We had a lot of volunteers helping shop, wrapping gifts, passing out food, and watching children while parents shopped. It was a beautiful event! The volunteers welcomed everyone with open arms and served so well.
The leader of one volunteer group mentioned that one of the ladies serving as a personal shopper had fallen on hard times and was not able to purchase her own children’s Christmas presents. Here she was, serving the parents as they shopped for gifts when she knew this was not something she could provide herself.
Once we were made aware of her need, we secretly shopped for clothing, shoes and toys for her children. Everything was offered to her at the end of the event, and as you can imagine, we were all moved to tears. She never expected or requested these items but came that day to see other families receive everything they needed.
“For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:45
Serving Those Who Serve
It’s hard to ask for help, but help is something we ALL need at times. This story stays buried in my heart now and has shifted my mindset. Instead of just getting others to serve, I look for how I can also help those that serve—even while they serve. How can I pour God’s love into the volunteers and also help them grow to see their own strengths?
I encourage you to look at those serving around you and take a moment to reflect on how well you know them or take the time to ask how they’re doing. How do you show appreciation to them? Do you ask how you can pray for them or share resources that are available to them? These little moments may help serve those so eager to serve others.
Erin Ratcliffe works as Buckner Internationals’s Volunteer Engagement Coordinator in Houston.
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Whether it's making a meal, teaching Zumba, doing crafts, or playing games, serving others (and allowing yourself to be served) is a blessing to us all.