July Prayer Guide

July Festivities & Activities

Give thanks for the freedom that we have in Christ:

If the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36)

Pray for our legislators, government officials, and all those in places of power and influence that they will have cooperative hearts and open minds as they seek solutions to the challenges facing our nation.

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed July National Ice Cream Month. On the lighter side of prayer, give thanks for ice cream and the luxuries that we experience in the United States! Let's also never lose sight of our ability and responsibility to provide for those in poverty, to defend the weak, and to stand for those who experience injustice.

July is a month for mission trips, short-term ministries, Vacation Bible School, camps, and all types of youth and children’s activities. Pray that the children will experience the love of Christ. Pray for wisdom, stamina, kindness, and patience for the pastors, staff, workers, and volunteers who spend long days and often sleepless nights to make these experiences possible.

Our Pastors

Give thanks for the dedication and leadership of Pastor Moises Flores, Director of the Instituto Biblico Ministerial hosted at Iglesia Bautista Del Redentor. This ongoing leadership curriculum provides both pastors and church leaders the opportunity to learn church administration, evangelism, church health, pastoral leadership skills, and other topics in an entry-level seminary program. Most students have full-time work and family responsibilities making it a continuing struggle to sacrifice the time to complete the entire course. Pray for the 28 students from five congregations who are enrolled in the current semester curriculum of Evangelism.

Pray for pastors new to a UBA church in 2019:

  • Mark Blanford, Thai Baptist Church

  • Chris Kouba, Humble Area’s First Baptist

  • Herb Haws, Northview Baptist

  • Brian Hellard, Golden Acres Baptist (moving from a staff position to Senior Pastor)

  • Roberto Ruiz, I.B. Hispana Anderson Road

  • Casey Hough, Copperfield Church

  • Luis Paxtor, I.B. Latino-Americana Abarim.

Pray for UBA pastors who have served their current churches for forty years or more. Give thanks for faithful leaders who stay the course. 

  • John D. Morgan, Sagemont Church

  • Mike McMahon, Monument Baptist Church

  • Gusta Booker, Greater St Matthew Baptist Church

  • Asa W. Sampson, Hopewell Baptist Church

  • Rev. Truman Howze, Green Valley Baptist Church; Say a special prayer of thanksgiving today for Pastor Howze who turned 93 on July 2. Happy Birthday!

  • Dr. James E. Laymond, Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church

  • Rev. John Richardson, First Outreach Baptist Church

  • Dr. H. Edwin Young, Second Baptist Church - Houston

  • Rev. Manson B. Johnson, Holman Street Baptist Church

  • Rev. Rudolph White Jr., Christian Bible Baptist Church

Our Churches

UBA congregations collaborate to strategically advance the gospel of Jesus Christ in our communities, in the greater Houston area, and throughout the world. Pray that more congregations will share this vision to be #BetterTogether.

Several UBA congregations are engaged in a revitalization process. Pray for wisdom for the UBA Consultants facilitating the process and for discernment and openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the congregations.

Mission Centers

Juan and Lucia Ayala are the missionary couple at the Gano Center. As they live and minister in the community surrounding the Center, pray for open hearts and opportunities for them to bear witness to Christ’s love.

Noe and Vanessa Ortiz are the missionary couple at the Joy Center. As they continue to serve as the hands and feet of Christ to families living in the neighborhood, pray that those they serve will continue to grow in Christ.

Pray that the summer missionary interns at the UBA Mission Centers of Houston, staff, and the weekly visiting youth groups will stay connected to the Word for strength to fulfill God's plans.

Pray how you can be a part of answering the prayer for the Lord to provide for the many needs at the UBA Mission Centers of Houston. Cheryl reports that the 29-year-old walk-in refrigerator and freezer are limping along.  Estimates to repair or replace them have run into the tens of thousands of dollars. Both of these units are critical items to the hunger ministry.  

Missions Near and Far

It is summer in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, and the days are long. Some are planting vegetables in a garden to be canned and eaten in the winter. Please pray that this time outdoors will draw Russians to the Creator. ...since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to them.  Romans 1:19

Pray for Butch & Nell Green as they minister to immigrants and refugees in the United States through The Off Ramp.

Pray that those who cross our borders and receive snack packs and kindness provided by The Off Ramp will know that Christ is sufficient to meet all their needs.

Pray that those who attended the UBA Boys Discovery Camp and the GA Set Free! Mission Camp last month will continue to grow in Christ and have godly men & women as spiritual mentors.


La Lluvia


5 Words to Describe Church Planting