Praying for You, Praying for Us

Have you ever found a photo from a family reunion and wondered who all those people were, while at the same time feeling a sense of connection to them? UBA is a network of more than 300 churches, all committed to accomplishing the Great Commission in the greater Houston area and beyond.

Chances are, there are a bunch of churches that you didn’t even know were serving alongside you in that effort. Now seems like a perfect time for everyone—pastors in particular—to start becoming more familiar with one another and for everyone to be better known for their own wellbeing.

Appreciating One Another

October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and UBA loves the pastors and ministerial staff that serve our churches! One way that we want to demonstrate our appreciation for our leaders is by praying through the association—with every church and every pastor mentioned by name. 

If you have never stopped and thought deeply about what your pastor goes through on a weekly basis in their effort to lead well while simultaneously being a good spouse, parent, and follower of Jesus, here are some suggestions for how to pray for them this week (and when their name comes up in the prayer guide). 

However, this is designed to be an interactive prayer guide. So in addition to praying, take a moment when the Spirit prompts you and learn more about the churches in our family of congregations. If you know the names of staff members serving there or people attending there, tag them so that they know their church is being prayed for.

Let’s all get to know one another better over the next 63 days that we will be praying together for the churches in UBA. Praying together is the first step toward knowing each other and working together, and by being together we’ll be #BetterTogether.  

Josh Ellis is Executive Director of Union Baptist Association. He has a PhD in Leadership Studies and has served on the UBA staff since 2005. With both practical and scholarly knowledge, he leads the association into innovative collaboration for the sake of strategic gospel advancement.

We’ll send one succinct weekly email 

with the best news, events, and info

for churches in the Houston area.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash


Mes de la Herencia Hispana


Prayers and Conversations that Ignite Movements