Meeting Community Needs Through ESL

After college, I had the amazing opportunity to live overseas. This experience showed me what a unique world we live in. Not long after relocating, I found myself in a new world surrounded by a foreign language, culture, and a system of life that was not my own. Fortunately, I connected with an American neighbor who helped me with the transition I was in.

During those first couple of weeks, I offered to pick something up for this family while I was running some personal errands. Upon exiting the store with what they had requested, something I had previously purchased caused the alarm to go off. Several security guards became very interested in the situation when I was unable to come up with the receipt for a bag full of items. Fortunately, the receipt was discovered, and I was on my way.  However, those few short moments felt like an eternity as I sought to understand those who stood before me.

My Turn to Help

Fast forward to the present day—similar situations are occurring at our doorstep.  Our neighbors, from all over the world, call Houston home. They have accepted to seek and pursue a future in a new environment, language, and culture. However, simple tasks that we take for granted can become a challenge.

As bridge builders, we have the opportunity to listen and respond to their hopes with compassion.  Rather than cast an eye of doubt, we should ask ourselves how to serve in such a way that develops value to those God has put in our path. 

Get Involved

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One simple opportunity to respond is by hosting an English as a Second language course in the community. In so doing, you can meet a vital need to help our neighbors communicate. At the onset, foreign language learning may seem like a new skill in your back pocket. To our international neighbors, however, there is so much more. 

HNW’s Spanish pastor, Adrián Amézquita shares a deeper importance, “We must learn English because by doing so we will be empowered to better immerse ourselves in our new culture.” For the local church, this new culture that Pastor Adrián speaks of goes much deeper. An ESL program allows us to expand the Kingdom by sharing the Good News of Jesus to every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Houston Northwest Church is excited to help widen the door and help empower others in this way. Beginning February 9th an adult ESL program will begin for the community. Childcare will be provided as well. We look forward to new relationships with our neighbors and how we may be able to invest in their future. 

For more info on how to register please visit

Chris Hall is the Associate Pastor of Missions & Mobilization at Houston Northwest Baptist Church.

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Photo by Nareeta Martin on Unsplash


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