The Enduring Work of UBA

How many times have you read, or written to your own congregations lately, that these are unprecedented times? Nonetheless, it’s true. Flexibility, adaptability, and innovation aren’t just traits of the highly successful organizations anymore, they’re traits of the organizations that prove faithful to their mission.

UBA will celebrate its 180th birthday in October, and throughout all of those decades, we’ve been dedicated to strategically advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ using whatever methods and means necessary to accomplish the mission. What you are about to read is another example of that flexibility. 

Due to the necessity of needing Messenger approval to apply for the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loan at the earliest possible date, we held an online meeting of the Association Leadership Council (ALC) on April 14. Two weeks prior, we notified the Messengers of a virtual Special Associational Business Meeting to be held on April 15 to vote on any recommendations coming from the ALC. 

At the Special Called Meeting of the Messengers on April 15, Messengers approved the following recommendations from the ALC:

  • UBA, the Mission Centers of Houston, and Trinity Pines Conference Center each applied for PPP loans

  • UBA forwent its annual financial review (see details in Dana’s report below)

  • Disciples of Christ Global Ministries (a new church start) was recognized. It is pastored by Ramon Jones and sponsored by South Main Baptist Church Pasadena

  • Greater Faith Humble Church, pastored by Donny O’Briant, entered Watchcare

  • Roger Patterson, the pastor of West University Baptist Church, was added to the ALC.  

As you can see, a lot is still going on. Given the unknowns surrounding in-person gatherings and the fact that there was no new business to accomplish by the date of our normally scheduled business meeting on May 14, we’re providing the following reports to the messengers from each of the UBA ministries and subsidiary partners. 

Please, pray for each of the ministries represented below as you read through their reports. They are certainly praying for you during this time. In the future, you may see video updates from these ministries, and I hope you’ll take the time to watch those as well. We’re in this together. We’re better together. Thank you for your continued support and prayers!

Mission Centers of Houston - Jeff Chadwick

For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment. (2 Timothy 1:7, HCSB)

When local officials declared a public health emergency on March 11 and later issued a “stay home/work safe” order prohibiting the gathering of 10 or more people, we knew that it was time to get creative. Since most of our programs involved groups of 10 or more people we had to suspend all of our Kids and Youth Clubs, Senior Adult Fellowships, Adult Programs, Homeless Lunch Fellowships, and Client-Choice Food Pantry Programs. And without our centers being open to the public, how would we be able to continue meeting the needs of others with the love, mercy, and grace of Jesus Christ while also keeping the safety and well-being of our staff, volunteers, and clients our #1 priority?

Our staff and volunteers sprang into action, transforming our centers into distribution points from which we could continue to provide much-needed food and supplies. It has enabled us to continue meeting the needs of our regular clients and the communities we serve at a most critical time. Throughout the week phone calls are made to check on our senior adults, families whose kids attend our programs, and those who are homebound. Those who have vehicles drive to our centers and we load them with groceries and household supplies. For those who don't have transportation, we make deliveries to their residences, as well as to our senior adults and the homebound. At Gano, we've continued providing a meal, bags of food and hygiene items for the homeless every week. It is all done safely following social distancing.

As we continue navigating the days ahead we are praying for and eagerly anticipating the start of our summer programs around June 1 hopefully. Plans A, B, and C are being drafted so we can be ready to reopen our programs in the best way. Summer missionaries from Georgia and Texas are still planning on being with us for June and July, and summer youth groups are still getting ready to serve with us. We know one thing, the communities are ready to come back! We continue getting calls asking, "When are you going to start back up"?

Please pray for continued safety for our staff, volunteers, and clients. We really need your prayers and support. Thank you!!

Trinity Pines - Phil Springer

Trinity Pines Conference Center temporarily closed to guests as a result of risks and concerns related to COVID19 on March 16-31. Several June camps have cancelled; however, we still hope to serve camps and retreats in June. A few camps and retreats beyond this timeframe have also cancelled due to similar concerns and uncertainty. As of May 4 a total of 71 groups have cancelled with an expected attendance of 6,900 guests totaling lost revenue of over $800,000. Full-time staff have continued to work on improvement and maintenance projects on the campus and buildings. A CARES Act Payroll Protection Program (PPP) loan was requested and received for a total of $130,000.

On April 22, a storm passed through Trinity Pines campus with tennis ball-sized hail and damaged most of the roofs and vehicles. The 32 resident staff, their families, and TPCC volunteers were all safe. At present we await insurance adjusters assessments. Also during this storm, a tornado passed nearby and the neighboring town of Onalaska was significantly affected. Texas Baptist Men Disaster Relief teams came in to assist the Onalaska community and stayed at Trinity Pines. The TBM project will end on May 6.

It is our hope and prayer that camps and retreats will be possible in the near future. The outcome of the regathering of churches and ministries will ultimately determine when this will occur. Trinity Pines is committed to the health and safety of our guests and staff. We will make numerous operational adjustments to accommodate new needs, concerns, and laws as the situation evolves.

It is a great honor to serve the body of Christ in this highly impactful and blessed ministry. This temporary setback does not affect our enthusiasm and joy to host and serve your ministry. Hope to see you soon for your camp or retreat at Trinity Pines.

Men’s Ministry - John Clayton

While we eagerly anticipate the day we return to face-to-face ministry, we continue to move forward and adapt to our circumstances. Our team has worked together and shared ideas including ways to reach out from the safety of our homes.

The RA’s are meeting weekly via an online platform offering a Bible Study and camp craft project. The leaders participate from various states across the country via zoom; this meeting encourages continued ministry and a comingling of ideas.

Texas Baptist Men announced the hiring of a new State RA Director, Allan Huesing, on May 1 . He is nationally recognized for his ministry work as an RA, State Staffer, and RA leader. A new position was added, State RA Staffer Director of Development and Training, and one of our Board members, Savion Lee was hired to fulfill the role.

The R.A. Summer camp is currently scheduled at Trinity Pines between July 19-22. RA membership is not required. Reach out to John Clayton for more information or 281.436.6009.

As the summer closes and we prepare to return to school, enjoy a little male bonding with a Father/Special Buddy and son canoeing trip down the Neches River. The trip is currently scheduled for late August. The adventure is planned for two days and one night in the Woodville Area.

Fall will include a great time for Challengers and their Father/Special Buddy! A doe hunt near Hempstead Texas is scheduled for October 9-11 and October 16-18 th. There are four spots available for hunting pairs each weekend. Hunting will be Saturday morning and evening. A safety gathering will be help Friday evening followed by a morning and evening hunt on Saturday. Saturday night will include a campfire, get together, and depart on Sunday. The rifle hunt is $100 for the pair. Contact John Clayton for registration information at or 281.436.6009.

We will close out fall before the holidays begin with an exciting RA 3-n-1 Fall Camp Out on October 23rd and 24th . The adventure is scheduled in the Hempstead Texas area. Keep a lookout for more details!

Please join RA’s across the nation in prayer for missionaries with birthdays. The list of missionary birthdays may be viewed in Open Windows.

Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) - Joyce Ashcraft

 When Texans think about college towns, they are usually thinking about College Station, Waco, Austin, or Lubbock. Many would be surprised to know that Houston—with about 300,000 students enrolled each year in 51 area campuses—is the largest "college town" in the state.

We have a great team of BSM staff and student leaders who seek to engage students on these campuses with the gospel. This spring was off to a great start, then COVID-19 happened. This virus changed the methods but not the message. We want to share with you some images from the Spring 2020 semester—both before and after the virus. Please continue to pray for the work of these harvest workers. 

See how the BSM across Houston has been ministering before and throughout the Coronavirus crisis.

Women's Missionary Union (WMU) - Bertha Vaughns

We hope this update finds you doing well physically, emotionally, and spiritually during these challenging and unprecedented times. We know that COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions create challenges. We hope to provide an update today to assure you that even in this uncertain time, your WMU Leadership team is prepared and committed to continuing to provide excellent service to all UBA congregations. Consultants and church leaders are maintaining weekly contact through social media platforms for prayer and encouragement. We have had a lot of positive feedback. Family Bible Studies within the families of the WMU Leadership Team and Sunday Prayer calls have been initiated. They pray for our nation and those that are in various stages of recovery from the Coronavirus.

As we work through a crisis that is new to us, we have made several decisions that will affect the way the Associational WMU will do ministry in the foreseeable future. We have been trusting God for insights, and He is making each step clear as we believe that He always makes the right decisions. 1 Peter 5:7 teaches, “cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you.”

  • The WMU Annual Meeting and Celebration, “Collaborative Innovation” is scheduled for Saturday, August 15, 2020, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at Copperfield Church, located at 8350 HWY 6 North, Houston, Texas 77095. Dr. Casey B. Hough is the Lead Pastor.

  • WMU $1,000 Scholarship interviews are scheduled for May 28, 29, and 30. We have five applicants.

  • Nominations for the 2020-21 Associational WMU Board are welcome. We continue to pray for servant-hearted co-laborers to join us as we engage our world for missions. Please call us at 281-854-9631 with nominations for the following positions: Children Mission Consultant, International Mission Consultant, and two vacancies on the Nominations Committee.

  • We continue to have our monthly WMU Board meeting via Zoom. 

  • We will inform church leaders that July 1 is the best time to order Mary Hill Davis Offering resources.

Pray for our UBA Church WMU Leaders as they continue disciplining and pouring into their members. We thank you again for your continued prayers and financial support.

UBA Financial Report -Dana Bowdoin

A lot has happened since March 2020. Life is different, church is different, the way we meet is different, and our finances are a little different. As soon as it became apparent that COVID-19 would impact the economy, we implemented a spending freeze in anticipation of a decrease in church contributions. We looked at each budget line item and identified specific costs that could be reduced, including foregoing the 2019 annual review as approved by the UBA messengers during a called Quarterly Association Meeting (QAM) on April 15, 2020. 

We also applied for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). I am happy to report that UBA was approved by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and has already received funding for $160,919 (as approved at the called QAM). This funding will be used for qualified expenses of payroll and lease payments for the 8 weeks period following May 7, 2020. We will be completing the necessary application and documentation required for the loan forgiveness once that becomes available. 

We saw a reduction in church contributions for the month of April. Our April church receipts were $77,613 compared to the budget of $97,917. Our year to date (YTD) church receipts of $375,751 are 4.06% under budget of $391,667, 8% less than the four-month period ended 4/30/2019, and $72,794 less than the twelve-month period beginning 4/30/2019. As a result of watchful spending early in the year and with the implementation of the spending freeze our year-to-date expenses are $82,258 less than year-to-date receipts. Our available cash remains adequate at $417,497. However, we are also seeing the economic effect on our investment account, as it’s value has declined $43,467 over the last 2 months.

Although we have not been working in our building since March, I have continued to periodically check on the building and our tenants. Our lease income has not been affected since all our tenants are deemed essential and they have continued to pay their leases on time. We currently still have 2 vacant suites downstairs.

So while a lot has changed, a lot remains the same. We remain committed to being good stewards of the resources our churches contribute to us. We continue to practice sound and transparent accounting. And we continue our vision to strategically advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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