UBA Prays Together June

Every month, UBA features people, events, and ministries we want our people to pray for. So, join us as we pray, because we're always better together.



Ramadan Outreach

Pray for UBA church members who shared Iftar meals with Muslims during Ramadan. Though Ramadan ended June 14, pray for Christians to continue to build bridges with their neighbors.

For more info about Ramadan and ways to engage Muslims during this time, read our article here.


Nizhniy Novgorod

This is one of two mosques in Nizhniy Novgorod. Muslim Tatars have lived in Nizhniy Novgorod for centuries. They attend the two mosques. Muslims worldwide have been celebrating Ramadan for the past month. Would you please pray for the Muslim Tatars in the city? Would you pray that as they seek God, they would see dreams of Isa (the Muslim name for Jesus)?

Go on a virtual prayer walk around Nizhniy Novgorod.


SBC Convention Leaders

Pray for the new SBC president, J.D. Greear and all the leadership in the Southern Baptist Convention. Pray for wisdom as they make decisions and unity and clarity with next steps. Pray that their personal walks with Christ would take priority, even with the busyness of the tasks at hand.


Relief for Guatemala

Pray for Pastor Daniel Venturini and the pastors who travel with him to Guatemala to provide relief for families impacted by the volcanic eruption. Pray for a safe journey for them. Pray for hope and healing for the victims and comfort for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

Follow this link for more information about what can be done in Guatemala’s current crisis.


Backpacks for Refugee Children

Many refugee children do not have the supplies they need when school starts. Each year Butch and Nell Green supply 50+ backpacks for refugee children. That that they would be able to exceed that goal this year. Pray that these gifts would open doors for children and their parents to hear of and experience the love of Christ.

For more info or to help, email bgreen@cbf.net. Backpacks will be delivered to Interfaith Ministries Refugee Services by the middle of August. 

You can help by providing:

  1. Clear or mesh backpacks

  2. Basic school supplies

  3. Added supplies like kleenex and hand sanitizer

  4. Gift certificates to Walmart or Target for others to purchase supplies.


Human Trafficking Awareness

Pray for Butch and Nell Green as they do hurricane recovery and lead teams to raise awareness about human trafficking in at-risk neighborhoods. Pray for skilled volunteers to help with their work. Pray for open doors and good weather to be able to finish the necessary jobs.

Do you know a plumber? An electrician? A carpenter? If you have folks in your communities that can offer just a day or two it would be very helpful to some of these teams. Contact bgreen@cbf.net if you have someone who can lend a hand.


Disaster Recovery

Pray for the disaster recovery teams that are scheduled throughout the summer as they minister to those who are still struggling to recover from the floods of Hurricane Harvey and other disasters. The Mission Centers of Houston will be receiving students teams every week this summer and Chinese Baptist Church is hosting 4 weeks of World Changers Teams. Pray for physical endurance in the Houston heat and the opportunity to share the love of Christ with those they serve.


Prison Ministry

Pray for Guy, Jerry, Vonnie, David, Tre9, Sally, Leonard, Charles, Parris, and Rafael as they continue to serve in the Prison Ministry bringing Good News to the inmates in the Wynne and Terrell Units. Some of these volunteers have served faithfully for more than 4 years. They are witnessing changes in the lives of men and impacting families. Pray for a continued open door to partner with the Spirit in the transformation of lives.


Instituto Biblico Organico

Pray for Campo & Gloria Londoño as they lead the 7-week course Instituto Biblico Organico to train pastors and leaders how to start and sustain small groups. Pray that the 24 leaders who are attending will be able to implement the practice effectively and reach people who need to know Christ.


Texas Baptist Men Day:

July 15th is Texas Baptist Men Day, where your congregation can learn more about how God is working through TBM to reach people in need. Request a guest speaker, download media, and find out more here.

Ideas for TBM Day:

  • Discuss the importance of evangelism through meeting needs in a time of crisis.

  • Put a local TBM trailer at your church.

  • Talk about your involvement as a volunteer with TBM.

  • Encourage others to volunteer and support TBM’s ministry.

  • Plan a special Sunday for TBM Day and disaster relief.


Summer Youth & Children’s Ministries

As summer church ministries are in full swing, pray for youth ministers, discipleship pastors, and all the volunteers who make the summer ministries to youth and children possible. Pray that children and youth will be impacted for a life of discipleship through VBS and summer mission trips.



Conformación o Transformación (Continuado)


Ministering to Muslims Near and Far